Every Action Counts: GPS 2013

On Monday, June 24th, 2013, Allowance for Good launched its second annual Global Philanthropy Summit, which brings together a catalytic group of youth for intensive gatherings to advance personal understanding in and encourage collective action toward global education equity.

Denzel reflects on Day 4 of GPS, during which we conducted our Global Service Project, Giving Circle, and Closing Ceremony.

Saying "goodbye" can be super hard and many of us had to say our best wishes and farewells to the strong, fun relationships we've built as the Global Philanthropy Summit comes to an end. Fortunately, we can all rest assured that whenever we meet again, we'll be even much more beautiful people and great philanthropists.

Today, we raised awareness about Allowance for Good's Global Affiliates. Promoting these organizations was a very humbling experience since people would often choose to just pass us by on the streets. However, a lot of people gave time to listen and donate. We genuinely felt great about ourselves in standing up to make a change in someone's life. Every action counts. In total, we'd raised enough funds to help support our Global Affiliates, Adonai and SparkVentures. At our Giving Circle, we decided that the $160 we raised should go towards SparkVentures to help with the prevention of cavities, along with dental supplies we had collected. Additionally, we decided to distribute $1,000 towards helping fund a Water Tower project with Adonai, since water is very essential to life.

Later, our closing ceremony was quite inspirational and motivational. We all had a voice to speak about how we felt and how it feels to be global citizens. 

To conclude, I thank Elizabeth and all the staff, who helped in the creation of the Summit. I would highly recommend kids to participate in programs that help raise awareness for change and being a philanthropist. I'd never forget that we, as global citizens, can always give of our Time, Talent, and Treasure.